Coastal Wildflower

Coastal Wildflower honey – high noted honey from the North Norfolk coast.


Coastal Wildflower Honey is made by Leigh’s Bees occupying a beautiful wildflower meadow on the edge of one of North Norfolk’s tidal marshes near Brancaster. This meadow explodes into bloom during the last week of May, beginning with Sainfoin flowers, swiftly followed by Viper’s Bugloss, Knapweed, Ladie’s Bedstraw, Cornflower, and Trefoil among others, with Bramble joining in during June. After that, the Sea Lavender flowers from the adjacent marsh add extra zing to the honey, which has high, exciting tastes and a hint of citrus about it. One of Leigh’s favourites.

P&P for up to six jars of any variety is £4.99.


8 in stock

8 in stock